

Below are the table of contents for each of the  issues of Gettysburg Magazine . One article is reprinted from each magazine. Morningside House, Inc. retains the rights to all articles reprinted by The Gettysburg Discussion Group.

To view contents of each issue

Issue 1
Issue 2
Issue 3
Issue 4
Issue 5
Issue 6
Issue 7
Issue 8
Issue 9
Issue 10
Issue 11
Issue 12
Issue 13
Issue 14
Issue 15
Issue 16
Issue 17
Issue 18
Issue 19
Issue 20
Issue 21
Issue 22
Issue 23
Issue 24
Issue 25
Issue 26
Issue 27

Issue 28

Table Of Contents of Archived Articles 

"Our Principal Loss was in this Place, Action at the Slaughter Pen and at south end of Houck's Ridge, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 2 July, 1863" by Kathleen Georg          Harrison.
"The Signal Corp at Gettysburg" by Col. Bill Cameron
"The 11th Army Corps on July 1, 1863 - 'The Unlucky 11th '" by D. Scott Hartwig
"The Supreme Moment In Its Existence - The 140th New York on Little Round Top" by Brian Bennett.
"Gettysburg's Preview of War: Early's June 25, 1863, Raid " by Linda J. Black.
"It Struck Horror To Us All" by D. Scott Hartwig.
"The Death of Iverson's Brigade" by Gerard A. Patterson
"Through Blood And Fire At Gettysburg" by Joshua L. Chamberlain.
"The Saviors of Little Round Top" by Col. Alexander W. Cameron.
"Colonel George A. Cobham, Commander of the Second Brigade of John White Geary's "White Star" Division at Culp's Hill by Doug Cubbison
"John Buford and the Gettysburg Campaign" by Eric J. Wittenberg.
"John Gibbon: The Man and the Monument" by Steven J. Wright and Blake A. Magner.
"For Ninety Nine Years or the War" The Story of the 3rd Arkansas at Gettysburg by Joslyn , Maurial P.
"Anderson Attacks the Wheatfield" by Jay Jorgense
"An Analysis of the Buford Manuscripts" by Eric J. Wittenberg.
"Arnold's Battery and the 26th North Carolina " by Bruce Trinque.
"A Field Made Glorious":Cemetery Hill: From Battlefield to Sacred Ground " by Eric A. Campbell (from Don Harvey's Michigan Civil War Page )
    "Measuring Pickett's Charge" by David Shultz and Richard Rollins.
"Stuart's Ride: Lee, Stuart, and the Confederate Cavalry in the
    Gettysburg Campaign" by David Powell.
"Union City:  Philadelphia and the Battle of Gettysburg" by John Reid Seitter.
“Gettysburg Culp Family Experience: Freedom, Civil War, and the Battle of Gettysburg ” by David Culp
"The Effect of the Confederate Invasion of Pennsylvania on Gettysburg's African American Community" by Peter C. Vermilyea


ISSUE No. 1, DATED JULY 1, 1989

ISSUE No. 2 JANUARY 1, 1990

ISSUE No. 3, DATED JULY 1, 1990


ISSUE No. 5, DATED JULY 1, 1991


ISSUE No. 7, DATED JULY 1, 1992



ISSUE No. 9, DATED JULY 1, 1993


ISSUE No. 11, DATED JULY 1, 1994


ISSUE No. 13, DATED JULY 1, 1995

ISSUE No. 14, JANUARY 1, 1996

ISSUE No. 15, JULY 1, 1996

"An Analysis of the Buford Manuscripts" by Eric J. Wittenberg.
"The Spencer Repeating Rifle at Gettysburg" by D. Alexander Watson
"Stubborn Bravery": The Forgotten 44th New York at Little Round Trip" by Kevin E. O'Brien
"The Florida Brigade at Gettysburg" by Thomas L. Elmore
"Holding the Right:The 137th New York Regiment at Gettysburg" by Jay Jorgensen
"A Few Moments of Peace: The Legend of Spangler's Spring" by George C. Bradley
"Col. James Keith Marshall: One of the Three Brigade Commanders Killed in the Pickett-Pettigrew-Trimble Charge" by Michael W. Taylor
"Personal Battle Weapons of the Civil War: Alexander Webb and His Colt Navy Revolver: In the "Pinch of the Fight" During "Pickett's Charge" at Gettysburg" by Wiley Sword
"A Young Girl at Gettysburg: Tillie Pierce: A Firsthand Look at the Battle" by Michael L. Thompson
"A Field Made Glorious":Cemetery Hill: From Battlefield to Sacred Ground " by Eric A. Campbell (from Don Harvey's Michigan Civil War Page )


ISSUE No. 17, DATED JULY 1, 1997

"John Buford and the Hanging of Confederate Spies During the
    Gettysburg Campaign" by Eric J. Wittenberg
"The 19th Indiana at Gettysburg" by Michael Chrvala
"Personal Battle Weapons of the Civil War: Capt. Patrick Hart of the Iron
    Brigade and his Presentation Sword—Facing the Fiery Caldron of
    McPherson's Ridge" by Wiley Sword
"'We Were Compelled to Cut Our Way Through Them, and in Doing so
Our Losses Were Heavy:' Gettysburg Casualties of the 154th New York
    Volunteers" by Mark H. Dunkelman
"Benning's Georgia Brigade at Gettysburg" by Garry E. Adelman
"Mahone's Brigade: Insubordination or Miscommunication?" by Bradley
    M. Gottfried
"Gulian V. Weir's 5th U.S. Artillery, Battery C" by David Shultz
"The Second Wave of Pickett's Charge" by Richard Rollins
"It Was Not a Happy Time: What the Civilians of Gettysburg Saw and
    Heard During the Battle" by Jason A. Martz


"Prelude to Invasion: Lee's Preparations and the Second Battle of
    Winchester" by Mark Chance.
"'Give Them Another Volley, Boys:' Biddle's Brigade Defends the Union
    Left on July 1, 1863" by Kevin E. O'Brien.
"Postscript to: Pursuing the Elusive 'Cannoneer'" by Silas Felton.
"George Gordon Meade and the Defense of Cemetery Ridge" by Richard
"Fisher's Brigade at Gettysburg: The Big Round Top Controversy" by
    Bradley M. Gottfried.
"Personal Battle Weapons of the Civil War: Defending Cemetery Hill:
    Two Massachusetts Captains Wield Their Personal Weapons Amid the
    Great Crisis" by Wiley Sword.
"The Grand Cannonade: A Confederate Perspective" by Thomas L.
"The Gettysburg Wounded and the 'Flying Battery' Sisters" by James
"John Rupp of Gettysburg" by Timothy H. Smith.

                    ISSUE NUMBER 20
"Imboden's Advance to Gettysburg" by Steve French.
"Confederate Brig. Gen. B. H. 'Bev' Robertson Interviewed on the
    Gettysburg Campaign" by Patrick A. Bowmaster.
"Stuart's Ride: Lee, Stuart, and the Confederate Cavalry in the
    Gettysburg Campaign" by David Powell.
"Theodore Garnett Recalls Cavalry Service with General Stuart, June
    16-28, 1863" by James Robbins Jewell.
"A Cavalry Regiment's First Campaign: The 18th Pennsylvania at
    Gettysburg" by Harold A. Klingensmith.
"Personal Battle Weapons of the Civil War: Two Cavalry Arms in the
    Gettysburg Campaign: One Lost, One Gained" by Wiley Sword.
"For the Truth of History: July 1, 1863: The Charge on the Railroad Cut"
    by Lance J. Herdegen.
"They Died as if on Dress Parade: The Annihilation of Iverson's Brigade
  at Gettysburg and the Battle of Oak Ridge" by Paul Clark Cooksey.
"The 12th New Hampshire Regiment at Gettysburg and Beyond" by
    James A. Burns.
"Monumental Litigation" by David M. McGlaughlin.

                    ISSUE NUMBER 21

"Gettysburg Revisited" by Edwin C. Bearss.
"Union City:  Philadelphia and the Battle of Gettysburg" by John Reid
"Personal Battle Weapons of the Civil War:  Roll of the Dice:  Two 24th
    Michigan Officers Test Their Luck in the Gettsburg Campaign" by Wiley
"A July Afternoon on McPherson's Ridge" by John F. Krumwiede.
"The Long March to Stevens Run:  The 134th New York Volunteer
    Infantry at Gettysburg" by George W. Conklin.
"William C. Oates Remembers Little Round Top" by Glenn W.
    "Hazlett's Battery at Gettysburg" by Garry E. Adelman.
"Hold Them with the Bayonet:  de Trobiand's Brigade Defends The
  Wheatfield" by Kevin E. O'Brien.
     "The 6th Louisiana Infantry at Gettysburg" by James P. Gannon.
"An Irish-American at Gettysburg:  Capt. James F. McGunnigle and the
    9th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry" by Mike Shotwell and Christian G.
"Confederate Battle Flags in the July 3rd Charge" by Bruce A. Trinque.

Issue Number 22

"Gettysburg Revisited" by Edwin C. Bearss "Up Over Big Round Top: The Forgotten 47th Alabama" by Gary P. Bruner
"The Cases of Pvt. Jesse Mayberry and Capt. Bernard McMahon, 71st Pennsylvania Infantry" by Gary Lash
"Ulric Dahlgren in the Gettysburg Campaign " by Eric J. Wittenberg
"Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick and the Pursuit of Lee's Army after Gettysburg" by Peter C. Vermilyea
"Personal Battle Weapons of the Civil War: Amid the Iron Hail in the Peach Orchard--Lady Smiles on an Officer with Graham's Brigade" by Wiley Sword
"Wofford Sweeps the Wheatfield" by Jay Jorgensen
"'Sedgwick's Foot Calvary' : The March of the Sixth Corps to Gettysburg" by David A. Ward
"The Plan for Pickett's Charge" by Paul Clark Cooksey
"Dispelling the Legend of Lt. Elijah Hayden's Death" by Keith Snipe.

Issue Number 23

"Lee’s Advance Along the Cashtown Road" by Douglas Craig Haines
" Reynold’s and the Decision to Fight" by L. Patrick Nelson
"The 151st Pennsylvania Volunteers at Gettysburg: July 1, 1863" by Michael A. Dreese
"To Fail Twice: Brockenbrough’s Brigade at Gettysburg" by Bradley M. Gottfried
"The 26th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry at Gettysburg" by James S. Pula
"A Reconnaissance Gone Awry: Capt. Samuel R. Johnston’s Fateful Trip to Little Round
Top" by David A. Powell
"Ordeal in the Lutheran Theological Seminary: The Recollections of First Lt. Jeremiah Hoffman, 142nd Pennsylvania Volunteers" by Michael A. Dreese
"Failed Leadership and Coordination: Internal Elements in the Defeat of the Army of Northern Virginia at Gettysburg" by Matthew W. Hutchinson

Issue Number 24

"Jeb Stuart's Fateful Ride" by David L. Calliha
" Confederate Artillery at Gettysburg" by Jay Jorgense
"'We Have Come to Stay!' : The 143rd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and the Fight for McPherson's Ridge, July 1, 1863" by James J. Doughert
"'Bullets Came as Thick as Hail': Krzyanowski's Brigade Defends the Union Right on July 1, 1863 " by Kevin E. O'Brie
"The Personal Journey of Pvt. David Ballinger, Company H, 12th New Jersey Volunteers" by Paul J. Lade
"'Fighting Alex' Hays at Gettysburg" by Wayne Mahoo
"The Effect of the Confederate Invasion of Pennsylvania on Gettysburg's African American Community" by Peter C. Vermilyea

Issue Number 25


“When an Officer Orders a Disregard of His Superiors: The Jackson – A. P. Hill Fued and its Effect on the Gettysburg Campaign” by Paul Clark Cooksey
“My Military Life as a Cadet Here …”: The West Point Years of Maj. Gen. John F. Reynolds by Kalina Ingham Hintz
“Gettysburg’s Hoosier Horsemen: The Third Indiana Cavalry” by Alan Nolan
“The Mule Train Charge at Gettysburg” by Lance J. Herdegen
“I Will Take the Responsibility”: Strong Vincent Moves to Little Round Top: Fact or Fiction? By James R. Wright
“I Have Never Been in a Hotter Place”: Brigade Command at Gettysburg by D. Scott Hartwig
“Capt. William C. Morgan, 3rd Maine Infantry: Hero or Scoundrel at the Peach Orchard” by Wiley Sword
“To Gettysburg and Beyond: A Vermont Captain’s Letters to His Wife” by Matthew W. Hutchinson
“Gettysburg Culp Family Experience: Freedom, Civil War, and the Battle of Gettysburg ” by David Culp
“Jennie Wade and Gettysburg: It Was Not Supposed to Happen” by Patsy Halbur
“Independence Day: Military Operations at Gettysburg” by Thomas L. Elmore

Issue Number 26

“Neither Villain Nor Hero: A Reassessment of James Longstreet’sPerformance at Gettysburg”  by David L.Callihan
“A History of the McPherson Farm at Gettysburg” by James J. Dougherty
“Up the Emmitsburg Road: Gen. Robert E. Lee’s Plan for the Attack on July 2 on the Union Left Flank”  by Paul Clark Cooksey
“The Fight for and Location of the 4th New York Independent Battery at Gettysburg”  by Garry E. Adelma
“The 62nd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry: A Forgotten Regiment of Distinction”  by Ernest D. Spisa
“Farthest at Gettysburg: The Story of a Confederate Captain”  by John R. Satterfield
“Battery H, 1st Ohio Light Artillery: Controversy in the Cemetery”  by Edward C.Browne,Jr

Issue Number 27

Kilpatrick Bars Stuart's route to Gettysburg by Thoms J. Ryan
How far on Oak Ridge? An Examination of the Planned Deployment of the Eleventh corps, July 1, 1863 by JamesCameron
Brig. Gen. George doles and his Georgie Brigade on July 1, 1863, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania by James K. Swisher
An Investigation into the Route Taken from Rock Creek to Little Round Top by the Thrid Brigade, First Divison, Fifth Corps on July 2, 1863 by K. Paul Raver
John Haley's Personal Recollections of the Battle of the Wheatfield
"Friendly" Fire at Gettysburg by Bradley M. Gottfrierd
The Rebels at Williamsport by Steve French
Wounded and Captured in Yankeedom: The Plight of Four Confederate Officers After the Battle of Gettysburg by Michael A. Dreese

Issue Number 28

Elusive Vicotry: Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg by David L. Callihan
Assessing the Generalship of George G. Meade During the Gettysburg Campaign by Col. Kavin Coughenour
Advance to Disaster: Sickles, Longstreet, and July 2nd, 1863 by David Powell
Truth Without Exaggeration: Porter Farley's Life-Long Study of the Events on Little Round Top by Brian A. Bennett
The 17th Connecticut and 41st New York: A Revisionist History of the Defense of East Cemetery Hill by James A. Woods
Pvt. Theodore Sanborn, Company D, 12th New Hampshire Infantry by Joe Stahl
The Kilpatrick-Farnsworth Argument that Never Happened by Andie Custer
General Sickles, President Lincoln, and the Aftermath of the Battle of Gettysburg by Jared Peatman
A Tale of Two Statues: The Gen. George J. Stannard Statues by David F. Cross